Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Tanisha Wilson
Michael Benton

Where do I start? Well, first this movie can basically stand for itself. Shortbus  was a very good movie. I loved the fact that they played into so many different avenues of sexuality. Shortbus was written and directed byJohn Cameron Mitchell. This movie had all types of different actors. There are so many prefrences of sexuality in the world, and not everyone has the same prefrence. The plan Jane  guy and girl together doesn't hit every angle. This movie was perfect, it played off of lesbians, gays, domonictrics, swingers, the whole nine. It was a good insight on different peoples lives and how the handle the differences of sexuality.
 Second, the behind scene look at how they produced the film was very intresting. These actor's really did all of their sexually stuff. One of the main actor's in the movie was hit with presurres at her other job. Her job ended up being put on the line because of the explictiness of the film. The decision to go forth with that movie and to be sexual and show the world about what the directors what us to see from there eyes, was genius. That to me showed me the type of person she really was. I feel like she believed in the film and what it was trying to get  across to the world. The movie was very moving in a porno type of way. It was very explicit, but on the other hand, I feel like people today need to see this type of realness. Alot of people can't understand why some people have a certain type of sexual drive. Not every one has a cookie cutter life. There are some people that may like guys, girls, black, white, anal, orgys, etc. You just dont know what people like untill they come out with it. And peoploe today are so scaried of coming out with their sexuality.
Finally, I feel like this movie inspired a lot of people after watching this. It never cared about what anyone might think or say, but more about what they wanted the world to see, and that was brave to me. Both of these directors had a strick budget and  prayer going for them in the beginning to shot this movie. At first, It didn’t seem very promising but towards the end when they finally got all of those issued resolved and everyone on the same track. The movie has been a wonderful success.

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